Healing Nigeria and Indeed The World:

One Child, One Heart, One Smile at a Time for the Past 22 years.

About us

At United For Kids Foundation, we envision a Nigeria where every individual can thrive and realize their dreams. Our mission is simple yet profound: to drive social impact across Nigeria through education, healthcare and welfare for everyone. Join us on this transformative journey, where each action, no matter how small, fuels a ripple effect of progress. Together, we can shape a brighter, more equitable future for Nigeria. Let's build a legacy of hope and prosperity that will resonate for generations to come.


Click to learn more about the different programs and methods we use to create sustainable change for children in need.

Make a donation to UKF and change a life

Your generous contribution will go far to support the education of countless children in Nigeria. We thank you for supporting our mission and the work we are doing to change Nigeria and the world.